Goosey’s magical life

CARLSWALD - A sweet relationship has developed after a one-week-old gosling was rejected by her mother and adopted by a neighbour.

Megan Smit, a resident of Carlswald, couldn’t resist the little thing. “My neighbour, who keeps geese, told me that the mother rejected her so I adopted it,” Smit said, and they have been inseparable ever since. “I move, she moves. I go, she goes,” said Smit.

“She even knows my car!”

Goosey, who is now four months old, has a personality of note, said her new mother. “I have never seen anything like it, she will only swim if I am swimming, and she doesn’t wander away from the house. This is her area,” said Smit, pointing to their veranda and kitchen.

“Once I told her to stay outside, she gave me the silent treatment for hours after that.”

Smit said she has had rescue pets before, but Goosey is definitely the one with the most personality. “She basically trained herself,” she said.

“She ate mealworms until she was old enough for mealies. She has been the easiest to take in, definitely,” said Smit.

Smit, who is a trauma release exercise facilitator, said her clients love Goosey. “One lady will even greet her first before she even comes into the house and greets me,” she said good-naturedly.

And it isn’t just the clients who have fallen for Goosey’s charms. “My whole family loves her. Especially my dad. I don’t think any of us expected her to turn out this adorable.”

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