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Mommy Fit is the future

JOHANNESBURG – Mommy Fit is changing the way pregnant women and new mums work out and get back in shape, and owner Nicole Haines-Thorn and trainer Pamela Smith reveal how.

“You are going to have batwings, you are going to have a stomach. You are going to have a little bit more for your husband to hang onto during happy sessions. It’s just what happens with pregnancy,” said Haines-Thorn, owner and head trainer at Mommy Fit.

The practice offers a number of specialised pre- and post-natal group exercise classes that focus on helping pregnant moms keep fit, tone up and lose unwanted fat after giving birth. “It’s a safe environment where women know that their health, fitness and wellness in terms of the baby are all being looked after and managed by people who know what they’re doing,” said Smith, a trainer and nutritionist at the practice.

The two started the company in June last year and Haines-Thorn revealed that the idea first came about when she fell pregnant with her first child. “There’s this huge misconception about training while you’re pregnant. When you go and train, you’re pregnant, not disabled.” Mommy Fit was the result – a spot for women to get in shape when they don’t feel comfortable going to the gym and the chance to relate to other pregnant women.

The two keep up to date on their clients’ medical history, ask about a 100 questions, and stay in touch with doctors to make sure their clients are healthy and well enough to participate in the classes. “We ask so many questions. ‘How is your pregnancy going? Are you having back aches? How are your breasts?’ They must get sick of it,” Smith joked.

She added that people were becoming more aware of the benefits of leading a healthy, balanced lifestyle. “Focusing on your diet is important. When putting that preconception out there about eating for two, as a nutritionist it’s a no. You’re just meant to consume the right amount of food, not necessarily eat a plate for two.” Smith said this was the reason why many women struggled to lose their birth weight, leaving them feeling overweight and uncomfortable.

Mommy Fit also offers Kiddie Fit classes that focus on cardio, upper body, legs and back exercises that you can do with your bundle of joy, and Body Fit which follows the High Intensity Interval Training methods that have been scientifically proven to burn fat faster than regular cardio workouts.

“More gynaecologists and doctors are saying to women that if they have been active before falling pregnant, they should continue it. Our bodies are amazing, they have muscle memory. I’d say the paradigm is shifting,” concluded Haines-Thorn.

Details: www.mommyfit.co.za

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