First day of big school

MIDRAND - Tshidiso Ntloshana started Grade 1 at Halfway House Primary School saying she was not going to cry.

She woke up ready and excited to take on the next phase of her schooling.

Ntloshana said, “I can’t wait to see my teachers and new friends.”

Her mother, Lunga Ntloshana said her daughter has been very excited and could not wait for the holidays to end. “She woke up early and was eager to go to school.”

The school’s principal, Silas Pillay said, “The school welcomes our Grade 1 pupils and parents to the Halfway House Primary School family.

“To the new parents and guardians, we say thank you for making our school your school of preference and look forward to you partnering with us in our continual improvement plans and projects as a school of excellence. To our new pupils, we are thankful for you and wish you well as you start your first year at big school.”

Pillay added that in seeing these bright-eyed, anxious Grade 1 pupils, he is reminded of the words of Pope Francis who aptly said ‘Teaching is a beautiful job as it allows you to see the growth day by day of people entrusted to your care. It is a little like being parents, at least spiritually. It is a great responsibility’.

Pillay thanked the committed, dedicated teachers who, he said, give unreservedly of themselves to nurture the growth and development of our precious children, the leaders of tomorrow.

Did your little one start Grade 1 this year? Share your pictures with us on the Midrand Reporter Facebook page

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