Merry Christmas from Midrand police

MIDRAND - Midrand Police station commander, Colonel Steven Moodley extended his regards to the community on behalf of the management team at the station.


“I want to wish you and your loved ones our sincerest and warmest wishes for Christmas and throughout the New Year,” said Moodley.

“As the holiday season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and on those who have helped us,” he said.

Moodley said the station valued all their crime-fighting partners and looks forward to working with them next year.

“To the various sectors of our community that positively contributed to policing in our precinct, in the spirit of the season, we extend a heartfelt thank you and wish you the very best,” said Moodley.

“We look forward to your continued support and participation in our policing initiatives in the new year.”

Moodley highlighted the importance of road safety during the season. “For those members of our community who will travel, I wish that you will all do so safely.”

He implored with the community to adhere to road safety regulations. “Remember not to drink and drive and remember that speed kills.”


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