Aya Belebesi is Halfway House Primary’s Grade 1 ambassador

MIDRAND - A Halfway House Primary School Grade 1 pupil was named Grade 1 ambassador at a merit event recently held at the school.


Ayabulela Belebesi was described by her teachers as loving, compassionate and caring towards other pupils. When another child does not have lunch, Belebesi shares her lunch with that pupil. She was also awarded the Badge of Fairness by her classmates; is a class monitor; and is a trusted pupil to relay messages between the teacher and the office when required.

Grade 1 teacher, Constance Mkhize said Belebesi is an amazing child. “When we have a sick pupil during break time, Belebesi will quickly notify the teacher.”

She was named the Star of the Week twice in term two and term three and shows good behaviour in class and around the school. “The best part about her is that she communicates well and is always eager to listen to others, and when she is wrong she comes back to apologise,” said Mkhize.

Mkhize said the pupil’s mother, Constable Nanty Belebesi, is very involved with the school and helps with information on safety and security, drug abuse, anti-theft and bullying issues at the school. Belebesi also organised an art competition focused on the problem of abuse against women and children, which pupils at the school entered.

The pupil’s parents, Reaboka and Nanty, said it gives them great joy to see their daughter receiving this kind of recognition. “It is every parent’s wish to see their child displaying the highest level of discipline, humanity and the spirit of ubuntu. We are proud of her.”

Her parents said they are committed to guiding her to more successes and becoming the best child she can be and wish her the best as she continues to grow.

To congratulate Ayabulela Belebesi, go to the Midrand Reporter Facebook page

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