#Feeshavefallen in pictures

JOBURG - View the historic day in pictures when protesting students marched to the Union Buildings to protest against the escalating university fees.

Police officers that tried to keep the protesting students calm.
A protesting student at the Fees Must Fall campaign.
Police officers and one of the protesting students.



The aftermath of the ground where objects were burned during the protest.
Police used barbed wire to keep the crowd at bay, however, students eventually removed the barbed wire.
The rocks that police officers were pelted with by angry students, earlier in the day.
Police officers that tried to keep the protesting students calm.
Thousands of students gathered outside the Union Buildings on 23 October 2016 to protest against the increasing tertiary education fees.
Thousands of students gathered outside the Union Buildings on 23 October 2016 to protest against the increasing tertiary education fees.
Thousands of students gathered outside the Union Buildings on 23 October 2016 to protest against the increasing tertiary education fees.


The fence that separated the protesting students from the Union Buildings.
Public order policing members keeping a watchful eye on the protesting students who they later clashed with.


Smoke bellowed at the Union Buildings during the protest that took place outside the Union Buildings.
A protester walks by one of the many portable toilets that was set alight during the protest in Pretoria.
Parents joined their children during the protests at the Union Buildings on 23 October 2016 to protest against the increasing tertiary education fees.
Thousands of students gathered outside the Union Buildings on 23 October 2016 to protest against the increasing tertiary education fees.
The crowds that dispersed when police officials used stun grenades and rubber bullets to try and calm the situation.

Click here to read how the drama unfolded throughout the day.

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