A recycling project for pupils

CARLSWALD - Carlswald House Preparatory recently introduced recycling awareness to its pupils and were thrilled to see the children’s enthusiasm in taking on the craft recycling project and collecting glass for the glass recycling bin at the school.


As part of a continued awareness drive, the Grade R to Grade 4 pupils had the opportunity this term to enter a competition for the best craft made out of recycled material. Requirements for entries included that the craft be a useful item and only be made out of recycled or reused material. The school’s headmaster, Stewart Tagg said the children’s enthusiasm shone through and it was impressive to see the effort and the creative thought behind the projects.

He said pupils started with the craft project and will soon take on glass recycled products. Pupils who brought in the most bottles were rewarded with a special recycling bag filled with goodies. “It is obvious that the children enjoyed the project from the great entries received,” said Stewart.

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