Productivity at work in Ivory Park school

IVORY PARK - Productivity South Africa and Halfway House Primary school visited Mikateka Primary School in Ivory Park in a bid to partner with them to increase their productivity and results.

Mikateka Primary School is a typical township school hidden in the trenches of Ivory Park.

“As we were travelling here, it seemed like we would reach a dead-end, only to find a school, [a place of hope] rather than doom,” said Ivory Park Cluster circuit leader of the the education department, Anickey Mashaba, who was there facilitating the whole event.

Silas Pillay, Halfway House Primary school principal, was largely commended for his role in the newly-formed partnership.

“[Pillay] got in contact with me, about partnering with a township school and putting them in contact with Productivity SA,” said Mashaba. “After a while, [the commitment of this school’s principal made me choose Mikateka].”

About 200 pupils, teachers and parents were gathered at the school’s assembly grounds under a marquee, and listened to advice on time management, self-management and being a productivity agent.

Mikateka’s principal, Mandla Sibanyoni, said he hoped the initiative would lead to his school using their teaching time effectively in order to improve results. “We are hoping for a 75 percent pass rate, but there is no reason not to reach 100 percent!” he said.

Thando Phiri, the school’s head girl, welcomed all the guests including her peers from Halfway House.

Pillay said his school had a blessed year last year and because of this, they wanted to share their good fortune this year.

“Having just being deemed the District and Provincial winners in the category of Excellence in primary school teaching and leadership,” he said.

“I believe we have a social responsibility to share good practices and resources.”

He had previously partnered with the productivity agents in his previous roles as principal in schools in the north and east of Johannesburg. “I’ve known the company for two years now and they’ve partnered with me on a number of school improvement initiatives.”

It was with this in mind that Pillay approached Productivity SA to sponsor the Character Transformation Project at Mikateka Primary School.

The company helps small and medium businesses maximise their profits, increase their productivity and reach their best possible outcomes while retaining their staff.

Are there any productivity initiatives that should be implemented in schools? Let Midrand Reporter know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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