Two children die in creche after suspected food poisoning

IVORY PARK - Police have opened an inquest into the death of two children at a creche in the area.

The two children were in the care of the mother of one of the children, a five-year-old girl. The other child was a three-year-old boy who was in the woman’s care.

Ivory Park police spokesperson Warrant Officer Neldah Sekgobela said the mother suspects the children died at the crèche due to food poisoning from a meal they ate at home the night before and the morning they died. Sekgobela said the two children died at creche on 16 February after a suspected case of food poisoning. Investigating officers said the children died before eating any food prepared at the creche.”

The mother of the girl told police that she prepared food on Sunday for lunch and on Monday morning when children were about to go to the creche, she fed them the food from the previous night. It is alleged that the mother also ate a bit from the same pot and when she felt sick the next day she called at the creche only to find that the paramedics were there and had certified both the children dead. The woman also had stomach cramps but she drank fresh milk and did not have any complications.

Ivory Park police are awaiting post-mortem results to determine cause of death.

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