
Midrand High needs help with its food garden

MIDRAND - Midrand High School is appealing to the community to assist with donations to acquire a green house.

A representative of the school governing body, Oupa Keele said he initiated the food garden to teach pupils how to start food gardens at home and eradicate poverty.

Keele added, “We also saw the garden as a way for parents to get involved in a project with their children. The produce would also provide for children at the school who come from homes who do not have enough food to put on the table.”

The garden was started in November last year, so far spinach, tomato and cabbage seedlings have been planted. Keele said the school needs a greenhouse to protect the vegetables from birds. “Most of the produce is being eaten by birds, some seedlings die as the garden has no shade,” he said.

The school has a borehole but it is currently not working. Keele is asking anyone in the community who knows how to fix boreholes to assist the school in this regard.

Ward 112 councillor Candice James said the project will change the lives of pupils who are in need. James said, “We ask that the community come forward and donate to the school, this project will be a big help to some of the pupils from Ivory Park who do not have enough to eat at home.”

The school would like to thank councillor James for arranging for a resident to lend a plough disk to the school to till the land. City Parks also donated seedlings and compost for the garden. They are also grateful to BMW staff who were in partnership with City Parks on this project.

To donate towards a greenhouse for the school contact Oupa Keele.

Details: 079 224 0526.

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