
Don’t be a home invasion easy target

MIDRAND - Ria Sebetsa Security managing director Danny Maduray said home owners need to safeguard against home invasion, as the festive season nears

He said, “A home invasion occurs when criminals access the property while home owners are indoors. Intruders see these kind of crimes and access to the property as quick and easy.”

He added that residents need to implement safety measures from the inside to make sure that everyone in the house knows what to do as part of their daily routine, to stay safe.

“Make sure the family and domestic staff know how to use the alarm system and panic button if installed and who to call in an emergency.”

To reduce the risk of being a target:

  •  Trim trees and shrubs and remove anything that criminals can use as a hiding place. Make sure the yard is well lit.
  •  Make sure burglar bars and security gates are in good condition with no rust or weak spots.
  •  Consider fitting a video phone at the gate, lock all gates and install a peep hole.
  •  Domestic staff must not open the door to any delivery person, unless notified by the home owner.
  •  Set the alarm system when alone or overnight, and keep a cell phone beside your bed in case of an emergency.
  •  Stay calm if criminals force their way into your home, co-operate and hand over valuables they demand, especially if there is no way to escape or raise alarm.
  •  Try and observe what the intruder is wearing and the manner in which they speak and behave. After they leave, close all doors and contact the nearest police station or security provider.

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