
Warning all joggers

MIDRAND - The Midrand police have seen it necessary to inform joggers and walkers of safety precautions to take during their morning or evening run.

“These personal safety tips are aimed at making joggers aware of the dangers out there and how they can protect themselves,” said Constable Matome Tlamela, head of communication at the police station.

  •  Run, walk and jog with a companion.
  •  Always run in an area which is familiar to you.
  •  Do not run through woods, poorly lighted or secluded areas.
  •  Do not wear earphones or headphones when running, especially when you’re alone.
  •  Do not go for a run after dark.
  •  Wear bright coloured clothes to improve your visibility.
  •  Carry a whistle or a battery powered personal alarm device.
  •  If you suspect you are being followed, go to the nearest open residence, join a group of people or go to the closest open business.
  •  Do not carry your home or car keys with you.

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