Pack Scouters receive Warrants

HALFWAY HOUSE - Pack Scouters, or adult leaders, were presented with warrants – a permit to run a unit within the Halfway House Scout organisation, and a contract that is entered into between Scouts South Africa and the recipients.

The Scouts were told there is always another step ahead and more to learn as they move on to the next level.

District commissioner of Scouts for Gauteng Northern District, Don Norris said, “Eric Bruins, a pack Scouter, and Pamela Fourie, an assistant pack Scouter have been working with the Cubs – boys and girls between seven and 11 years of age – for some time. They have taken various training courses during the time they have worked with Cubs.”

Morris said the pack Scouters’ presentation of their warrants marks the completion of a vital part of on-going training.

The Halfway House pack meets at the Scout Hall in Church Street at 4pm on Fridays.

Any parents interested in having their children join the Scout movement can contact Eric Bruins on

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