ISKCON Midrand to host festival

MIDRAND - International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Midrand will host a festival on 17 August to celebrate Sri Krishna Janmashtami.

ISKCON Midrand chairperson Nrsimhananda Dasa said, “We will have activities for children and adults such as music and drama and a free vegetarian feast on the day.”

Dasa added that residents are welcome to attend the festival. Another programme celebrating the appearance day of AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder of ISKCON, will be held on 18 August at 10am and 7pm.

“The day is usually celebrated by ISKCON in over 75 countries as well as many Hindu homes globally. Janmashtami is the celebration of the appearance of Krishna.”

The festival on 17 August will be held at Plot 68-1, 135 Norfolk Road, Midrand.

Details: Nrsinga Dasa, 083 551 1550.

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