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Olievenhoutbosch takes a stand against more residents

OLIEVENHOUTBOSCH - The R55 Road near Olievenhoutbosch was closed to traffic from the early morning of 15 April as community members took to the road to protest.The road was closed to traffic in both directions.

Initial reports cited poor service delivery as the reason for the protest but Midrand Reporter’s BBM contact Maria Roberts said the people were protesting against the relocation of people from Mooiplaas to Olievenhoutbosch.

This was corroborated by BBM contact Boyzen who said people were taking a stand against the relocation of people from Mooiplaas when some people who live in Olievenhoutbosch did not have their own land.

Boyzen believed there was a court order for the people of Mooiplaas to move to Olievenhoutbosch. “The protest is peaceful for now, I don’t know what will happen if they arrive,” said Boyzen.

It was reported that hundreds of residents had taken to the street, and this was reflected in photographs sent by Boyzen and Gudi, who is also a contact of Midrand Reporter’s BBM.

Motorists were asked to use alternative routes to avoid the area. The N1, N14 or Old Pretoria Road were options suggested.

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One Comment

  1. some members in olievenhoutbosch truely they didnt go to school… How can u fight for things that do not belong to you that is an ambarasing… And why do they break ppls shop? That is an discarsting!!! Black people come on…

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