
Dog walker attacked

MIDRAND - When Midrand resident, Holly Galt took her dogs for a walk in the open land off Rooihuskraal Road Extension, she never expected to be a victim of crime.

At 5.15pm on 29 March she said she was attacked by two young guys who looked like ordinary joggers.

“They ran towards me then stopped and knocked me down, and sprayed pepper spray in my eyes,” she said. “I landed on a stone and still have back pains, but luckily I have glasses which helped my eyes,” said Galt.

They demanded her cellphone, but she told them she did not have one.

“When the second chap held a knife to my throat, I told him to cut the string from around my neck and take the phone attached to it. They also took the dogs leads hanging around my neck, my car keys with drivers licence I was holding and the Victor talking book which I keep hidden in my pants,” she said.

She has been walking her dogs in the area every afternoon for more than three years and knew most people to be very friendly.

I know there have been many attacks in that area so I always carry a pepper spray attached to my car keys, but they had a far bigger can.

Now Galt questioned where there was a safe open space in Midrand for walkers and runners.

Midrand police communications officer Constable Matome Tlamela was aware of the incident and said the case had been transferred to Olievenhoutbosch police station to investigate.

“The community is advised to leave their valuable items behind to avoid being crime victims,” said Tlamela.

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One Comment

  1. This is just not a save country anymore crime is increasing so much that we can’t even walk our dogs where is the days where we could even leave our doors open this is really bad

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