Challenge set, hunt is on

BARBEQUE DOWNS - Barbeque Downs is calling on residents in the suburb and throughout Ward 93 to contribute to its Easter egg collection for the Grade R pupils of Sefikeng Primary located in Leeuwkop Prison grounds.

Last year, Ward 93 councillor Annette Deppe challenged residents in each suburb to try to collect the most number of Easter eggs for the Sefikeng pupils in order to make their Easter special.

Barbeque Downs won and the prize was in seeing the joy in the pupils as they hunted for Easter eggs, jumped on a jumping castle and snacked on pizza at Da Vincenzo Restaurant in Barbeque Downs.

Barbeque Downs Community will again host the Easter hunt. Chairperson of Barbeque Downs Community, Candice James called on each complex in Barbeque Downs to choose a captain who will keep track of the number of eggs each complex collects. She said the Easter hunt would take place in May, but called on residents to start collecting now.

All community members are welcomed to donate Easter eggs and can contact James.


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