
Noordwyk Secondary School records 94.7% pass rate

Out of 246 matriculants, the school achieved 150 bachelor's, 68 diplomas and 15 higher certificate passes.

Noordwyk Secondary School achieved a 94.7% pass rate and 103 distinctions for their 2022 matric results.

Between the 246 matriculants, 150 bachelor’s, 68 diplomas and 15 higher certificate passes were achieved.

Frans Selepe, Loshna Chetty, second top achiever Thlalefo Senong and principal Alex Tau.

The top three achievers were Thaketšo Chokoe with six distinctions, Tlhalefo Senong bagged four and Jeminah Kabamba attained three.
Despite not meeting their aimed 100% pass rate, the principal Alex Tau said the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic had dented their progress, however, he remained pleased with the outcome.
“I think the learners did well and as the school, we couldn’t be more proud of what these learners have achieved. A big thank you to all the parents, teachers and learners themselves for working hard throughout the year. They took every lesson seriously, whether physical or online, they always showed desire and commitment to learning,” said Tau.

He urged all the learners to go out there and fly the school’s flag high in a world that has so much potential, challenges and opportunities. “I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our learners well as they are going to various institutions of higher learning. The world is full of many opportunities that can turn their fortunes and change some of their backgrounds.”

In 2021, the school achieved a pass rate of 95.7% compared to 93.2% in 2020.

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