
Blue Hills College principal commends the Class of 2021

BLUE HILLS – Principal said that he was proud of this class, especially since they had to face Covid-19 for two years in Grade 11 and 12.

Blue Hills College’s Class of 2021 achieved a 99% pass rate, with 107 learners making it through matric out of their 108 learners.

The school’s principal, Bekithemba Ndlhovu, shared his excitement for his former learners, adding that the school was delighted by the performance of the Class of 2021.

Madue Mhlanga is filled with excitement and emotions to be accompanying her daughter, the Blue Hills College top matric learner for 2021, Nonhlanhla Mhlanga, to get her results. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

“They did well, the quality went up compared to the year 2020’s results and for that reason, we are excited, very happy and we congratulate them and their parents for the hard work.

“When they were in Grade 11, Covid-19 started, and in Grade 12 again, they had to battle with the pandemic. But through hard work and dedication by our teachers as well, we achieved.”

Jarryd Maroos is happy to finally be going to university to pursue law while Akhile Nontongana is excited to be going to study the arts. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo. Photo: Ofentse

The top learner in the Blue Hills Class of 2021 shared her experience and how she got to become the best in her class. Nonhlanhla Mhlanga, said that it was quite hard for her to get this far.

She added that achieving a lot has never been easy. Also considering the changes one goes through as a teenager.

Blue Hills College’s matric Class of 2021 boys Amukelani Dikobe, Mukovhe Matsila, and Tshepang Maja flank their former principal Bekithemba Ndlhovu, enjoy the fact they are finally done with school. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

“Having to juggle your academics and your social life is very difficult but I managed to make it through. The toughest challenge that I faced was Covid-19, trying to find my way through it and stay on top of my game has been hectic.”

Blue Hills College’s top learner, Nonhlanhla Mhlanga said she was going to pursue her dream of becoming a medical doctor. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

After managing to achieve five distinctions, Mhlanga said she will now pursue her dream of becoming a medical doctor.

Mother Madue Mhlanga shared how she felt about her daughter being number one in the Class of 2021. Mhlanga said that she was over the moon and excited.

“I could not sleep last night, I was just tossing around. After she received the SMS, it brought back memories of when she would call from the boarding school, crying and asking if I can pray with her, telling me it was as if she was not doing her best.
“But I just kept assuring her that you know what, as long as you are doing your best that is all that matters.”

Details: Blue Hills College 011 318 4882.

What are your plans this year after matric? Please share your thoughts on our social media platforms.

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