Local sportSport

Runner’s journey for change

Tshepo Malapane and his crew ran from Pretoria using the Moloto Road, R573 to Limpopo Mologadi, Marble Hall which was their final destination.

Local runner Tshepo Malapane, better known as Crazy T, ran 194km in a bid to raise awareness about gender-based violence, and inequality in sports locally.

Malapane and his crew ran from Pretoria to Marble Hall in Mologadi, Limpopo.

He said he was invited by organiser and friend Solly Mogatlaneng who led the initiative with the help of the Mogaladi Foundation to raise awareness about gender-based violence. “We wanted to draw attention while standing with those who fought and are still fighting the fight against gender-based violence in our country,” Malapane said

“We were also pushing for there to be an end in inequality faced by women or even men in sports.”

The crew documented their run on social media which allowed them connect with many on their road to end gender-based violence and inequality.

Malapane said parents should be encouraged to support their children in sport regardless of its history of being only played by a certain gender.

“We want parents to have their children partake in different sporting activities like running, swimming, or rugby, be they male or female.”

Delving into his experience along the road, Malapane said the run was quite amazing and the support was good.

He explained, “With me having run 300km before, I was able to plan and decide on how to tackle the route and so forth, however, it was difficult and hot, there was a point were I had to be given an oxygen tank.”

Malapane concluded that he would participate in a 190km run over two days to raise funds for a school based in Soweto. He will also run 400km in the Eastern Cape to help raise funds for 4 000 children from less fortunate backgrounds as well as a 300km run aimed at raising cancer awareness.

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