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Local association donates a much-needed computer

The event on 23 March formed part of their initiative to assist various home care centres that support survivors of gender-based violence (GBV).

In commemoration of International Women’s Day, the SA Taxi Foundation along with People Opposing Women Abuse (Powa) donated a desktop computer to the New Life Centre for Girls.

The event on 23 March formed part of their initiative to assist various home care centres that support survivors of gender-based violence (GBV). Dimpho Masango, spokesperson for the SA Taxi Foundation, added that the fully equipped computer would be used to support day-to-day operations that allow New Life Centre to meet the demands of the community.

Maroba Maduma, director at SA Taxi Foundation, said she was pleased that they could play their part in the fight against gender-based violence. “The foundation is always ready to support initiatives that aim to provide support, empowerment, and economic inclusion to vulnerable groups such as GBV survivors.”

Powa CEO, Mary Makgaba noted that it is always encouraging to see more corporate businesses answering the call to assist those who have been victims of violence. She concluded, “I hope to continue on this journey with SA Taxi as a whole and SA Taxi Foundation, who are advocates in making a positive impact against these socio-economic issues.

Powa invites more corporates to join forces with us in fighting GBV.” Khopotso Nakin, director at the New Life Centre for Girls, welcomed the gift and thanked SA Taxi foundation and Powa for the donation. “This will really help us continue to empower the girls with skills including the community members mostly young woman as well as assist with income-generating projects.”

Nakin added that the organisation faces many battles, “The organisation needs the community’s involvement, we need volunteers with different skills and experiences. We need to improve our security because we had a burglary and they took the children’s television and microwave.” She concluded that the centre’s list of needs included an electric fence, butler doors, paintings, a bigger car to take children to and from school as well as funds.

Details: New Life Centre for Girls 079 843 4154.

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