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UPDATE: Mayor Geoff Makhubo tests negative for Covid-19

JOBURG – Mayor Geoff Makhubo has tested negative for the coronavirus.

Update, 11 June:

City of Johannesburg Mayor Geoff Makhubo has tested negative for Covid-19 after coming into contact with a staff member who tested positive for the virus.

In a statement, Makhubo said, “Today [ 11 June] I will be joining the City of Johannesburg Council meeting and on Friday (12 June) I’ll be holding a Mayoral Committee meeting. Both meetings will take place via online platforms.”

He said that all staff members in his office have also undergone tests to determine their Covid-19 status and no one has tested positive for the virus. 

Initial story, 8 June:

City of Johannesburg Mayor Geoff Makhubo is in self-isolation after a member of his staff tested positive for Covid-19.

A statement released by the mayor’s office said that the staff member tested positive for Covid-19 following a trip to the Western Cape for a funeral last week. The staffer is now in recovery and is self-isolating at home.

The mayor has recently been tested for Covid-19 and the results came back negative.

“However, as a precautionary measure, the mayor has today [8 June] undergone another Covid-19 test and has decided to place himself under self-isolation until the results are known. The entire staff complement in the Executive Mayor’s office has also, as a precaution, undergone tests to determine their Covid-19 status.”

The Office of the Executive Mayor will be operating from isolated sites as prescribed by the protocols in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

The mayor will continue to monitor and provide guidance on work currently being carried out to contain and manage the spread of Covid-19 in the City whilst in self-isolation.

Makhubo has wished the staff member well during his treatment and recovery process.

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