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Your internet should be back up to speed

Some internet users have been experiencing slow internet after the WACS cable broke on 27 March.

Some internet users have been left frustrated the past week after the cable break of the West African Cable System (WACS) that slowed down internet speeds across South Africa from 27 March.

This was even more frustrating as South Africa went into lockdown and those who were working from home or binging on their favourite series had to deal with slow internet.

The South African National Research and Education Network (SA NREN) said the repair process of the broken cable took several days.

In a tweet, SA NREN said, “The repair process is ongoing and on track with previously communicated timelines. We are hopeful that our #WorkFromHome beneficiaries will not be inconvenienced for too much longer due to this outage.”

By 4 April, the WACS repairs were complete and the matter had been resolved from an SA NREN perspective.

Twitter users were pleased that the cable had been finally been repaired.


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