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Focus remains on unemployment

MIDRAND – Minister for Employment and Labour, Thulas Nxesi says that a strong economy and job creation can only be created on the back of non-tolerance to corruption.


The Minister of Employment and Labour Minister, Thulas Nxesi addressed the great concern of unemployment in South Africa and plans that are in place to create more sustainable jobs during a speech at the Productivity SA annual general meeting.

The meeting was held at the Midrand Conference Centre and was attended by representatives from private and government organisations working to create employment in South Africa.

Outgoing board chairperson for Productivity SA, Mthunzi Mdwaba said that as productivity ambassadors they should be concerned when their gross domestic product projections have to be continually revised to below one per cent and their global competitiveness ranking is low, having plummeted three places from 53 in last year to 56 out of 63 countries this year.

Minister for Employment and Labour Thulas Nxesi delivers his key note speech at the Productivity SA annual general meeting held in Midrand. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

However, he added that there is some positivity. “What is encouraging is that the countries competitiveness ranking went from 67 to 60 according to recently released Work Global Competitiveness Index 2019.

“As I present the 2018/19 report, let me upfront declare that the year under review was not an easy one given our financial challenges which continuously threatened the growing concerned status and future sustainability of the entity.”

Mdwaba added that these challenges also affected their desire to expand Productivity SA’s footprint across all the provinces and to deliver on their mandate and service the country equitably.

“What was disheartening for Productivity SA was the country’s high unemployment perched at 29 per cent.”

Nxesi also added that the annual general meeting took place at a critical point in the life of the South African nation, where the nation faces a number of challenges, namely, the sluggish economy reflected in falling productivity. “The global economic uncertainty, and rampant nationalistic protectionism, high unemployment especially among the youth, persistent poverty and inequality, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution which brings with it disruptions and new opportunities in equal measure. “And on the political front we are faced with a massive problem of corruption, billions have been stolen and those who have stolen the money, now that they are getting exposed through the government institutions they have been manipulating, are fighting back.”

Chairperson for Productivity SA, Mdwaba delivers the annual report at entity’s annual general meeting. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

Nxesi added that a strong economy and job creation can only be created on the back of non-tolerance to corruption. “Productivity SA has a major role to play in the reconfiguration of government and the department – with the focus now on jobs. It is now our task to make the case for improved competitiveness and productivity as major drivers of growth and employment.

“Department of Employment and Labour will continue to champion decent work and healthy industrial relations. This is essential to creating a stable labour market – which in turn is conducive to investment, growth and employment.

Minister for Employment and Labour Thulas Nxesi delivers his key note speech at the Productivity SA annual general meeting held in Midrand. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

“That is in the interests of all the social partners – socially responsible employers, labour and communities alike.”

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