
Star learner receives academic scholarship after she excels in competition

CARLSWALD – Summerhill College star learner Claudia Nair was awarded an academic scholarship to Rhodes University.

Summerhill College head girl and star learner Claudia Nair recently received an academic scholarship to Rhodes University.

Nair began her journey at Summerhill College after spending her primary school years at Jubilate Primary School. She made a big impression in her Grade 8 year she received a Top Student Award and achieved a 90 per cent average in her studies in every year of high school.

Her academic achievement led her to gain her white honours blazer and being appointed head girl in last year. She said, “This was the steepest learning curb I have experienced thus far. It was far from smooth sailing, not only because of academic pressures but also because of new responsibilities I had to take on.”

Earlier this year she took part in the De Beers English Olympiad. Teacher at the school Roxanne Venter said, “Its an annual event that tests the students english knowledge in language and literature as well as testing their writing skills in exam form.”

Nair said, “Over 5 000 students across Southern African countries participated. I was placed at number 37.”

Venter added, “I’m extremely proud of Claudia and her achievement. She is incredibly hard working and gives her best efforts in the classroom and in extramurals.”

Nair was awarded a full academic scholarship to Rhodes University where she plans on studying a Bachelor of Science.


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