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Potential Midrand Reporter advertisers – this one’s for you

Want to know if your clients are male or female? Older or younger? University graduates? Want to know when last they made major purchases or where they buy their groceries? ROOTS has you covered!

Print is alive and kicking! A big statement, we know, but one we will stake our reputation on.

At Caxton Local Media, we are so intrinsically intertwined with our readers and advertisers, that we go the extra mile to ensure that a quality product is delivered to every doorstep, free of charge, every week, without fail.

To ensure that we achieve this, every couple of years, a fabulous team of independent researchers hits the streets on our behalf to conduct the most thorough, in-depth research into our communities possible and we call it ‘ROOTS’.

Want to know if your advertisers are male or female? Older or younger? University graduates? Want to know when last they made major purchases or where they buy their groceries? ROOTS has you covered.

Nowhere else will you learn more about the communities represented by our publications, than by scouring our unique and exclusive ROOTS research – research that we have proudly made available to you, our advertisers. After all, your success is our objective.

What more could you need to persuade you to market your business in our Midrand Reporter, than brilliant advertising reps backed up by great research, telling you that we are the number one most-read publication in our distribution area. It doesn’t end there. We know that you, our advertisers, are looking to all media types to ensure that you get your names out there. That is why Midrand Reporter is proud to say that we offer the best in local, print media, and the best news website for our community. Our teams are on the ground, working hard to ensure that our online platform remains a viable, essential aspect of your marketing campaign.

What makes ROOTS different?

  •  We hit the streets! Our research is not done from behind a screen, our researchers go out into the community and speak to real people.
  • We speak to the purchase-decision makers in each home that we research – those who buy your products are the ones we speak to.
  • ROOTS research is super-in-depth. Through this research, we can tell you more about the lives of our readers than you will find anywhere else.
  • ROOTS is available, free of charge, to anyone who would like to access it.
  • ROOTS is independent research which covers not only media being read. It covers demographics, psychographics and shopping habits too. The research is conducted by Kantar.

Our research speaks for itself. Need proof? See for yourself



At Caxton, we employ humans to generate daily fresh news, not AI intervention. Happy reading!
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