
Poplar Academy youngsters cast votes

CROWTHORNE – Poplar Academy junior phase schoolchildren learn about the voting procedure by participating in their own form of elections.

This year is a remarkable year for South Africa, celebrating 25 years of democracy.

Citizens made history by casting their votes for parties they believe would honour their promises and meet their needs.

To commemorate 25 years of democracy, Poplar Academy Junior Phase teachers hosted their own elections to educate the learners about the voting procedure.

Noni Carlson makes her mark. Photo: Supplied

Head of department Michelle van der Walt said, “After campaigning for a period of five weeks, the learners were so excited to line up and cast their votes on their election day.”

Schoolchildren learned about the voting process by taking part in their own form of elections.

Each child cast their votes for their preferred new signage for the bathrooms.

Ben van Blerk casts his vote.
Photos: Supplied

Van der Walt said the voting went well, “The elections were free and fair, everything ran smoothly as there were no long queues at the voting station.”

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