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Miss Commonwealth finalist seeks sponsorship

MIDRAND – If you are interested in sponsoring Lechar Perfect in her charity work, read more here for details!


Miss Commonwealth 2018 finalist Lèchar Perfect hopes that this platform will make a change in the development of a child’s life.

Lèchar, who is an advocate for mental wellness and mindful meditation, believes that her campaign could be part of the solution in solving issues that children face.

“Miss Commonwealth is a charity crown. It’s a crown that stands for the people. It is about the community and empowering them to be a better version of themselves.”

The pageant creates a platform for women of all ages to become local and international ambassadors. It also empowers women with knowledge to bring change to communities in need.

Hailing from Midrand, Lèchar is one step closer in achieving her dream of being Miss Commonwealth but needs sponsorship of R6 500 to support her journey, as well as charity engagements.

“I think it is important and beneficial for children to learn real-life skills according to their development,” said Lèchar.

“I would like to get a chance to work with stakeholders in the education sector to help develop a curriculum to be introduced into primary schools.”

The 28-year-old also believes that the girl-child must have equal opportunities.

“As part of my goals for 2019, I will climb Mount Kilimanjaro to show that little girls can achieve anything they put their minds to. They are capable, they are strong and are not confined by the I’m-a-girl stigma,” she concluded.

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