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Keep children safe during school holidays – Ivory Park police

MIDRAND – Four children have been reported missing in Ivory Park since the beginning of the school holidays.


The Ivory Park police have raised concern over the increasing number of missing children during the school holidays.

The spokesperson for the Ivory Park Police Station Captain Bernard Matimulane said in the past few days, four children between the ages of seven and eight were reported missing. “Fortunately the police with the valuable assistance of the local community managed to locate all of the missing children unharmed,” he said.

“We are concerned about the increase in the number of children reported missing in Ivory Park. We are appealing to parents and childminders to take reasonable steps of ensuring that children are safe at all times.”

He added that they understood that because of school holidays, some children may be on their own for most of the day with parents being at work. However, he emphasised that it was parents’ duty to ensure their children were safe.

The station’s acting commander, Colonel Baba Mpotoane said, “We call on parents and minders to make sure that kids are not allowed to play far away from their homes and should be checked at regular intervals. In cases where parents are at work or away, arrangements should be made to ensure that there is an adult looking after the kids.”

Steps to follow when a child goes missing:

  • Report the missing person immediately, there is no such thing as a waiting period
  • Provide as much information to the police as possible
  • Provide the latest photograph of the missing person
  • Keep the investigating official up to date on any development all the time.

What measures do you take to ensure that your child is safe during the school holidays? Tweet us @MidrandReporter


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