
Better safe than sorry

MIDRAND – 7 Arrows Security has useful tips that can potentially save you from being shot by nervous, desperate robbers.


Following a robbery that took place at Waterfall Corner, 7 Arrows Security has released tips on what the community can do when faced with a similar situation.

Jason Mordecai of the security company said, “It is no secret that restaurants are an attractive place for thieves. With patrons sitting, relaxed and enjoying the food, and tills filled with cash, a restaurant seems like an easy mark with good returns.”

Read Crime safety tips

Take note of the following tips:

  • Always comply with the robbers
  • Do exactly as you are told
  • Keep still and do not make any sudden moves
  • Try your best to remain calm
  • Do not fiddle with your cellphone or try to record the event
  • Your body language is important, so avoid eye contact and carry yourself in a non-threatening way

Consider teaching your children a keyword that tells them that this is a dangerous situation and they must follow your commands. This is especially valuable in a shopping centre incident, where you need to keep the family together and under your control.

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