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Shoplifting prevention tips for businesses

JOHANNESBURG – Preventing petty theft such as shoplifting is not an exact science, however, here are a few tips to help business owners and shopkeepers.


Danny Maduray, owner of Ria Sebetsa Security, warned businesses of shoplifters.

“If you suspect someone may be shoplifting, never accuse him but rather ask if you can help him,” said Maduray.

“Keep the person in your sight and contact security or a manager immediately. Never try to stop the shoplifter. Rather provide security with a detailed description of the person, including his vehicle, if possible.”

Maduray also listed a few tips for businesses to prevent shoplifting:

  • Greet customers as soon as they come into the store. Addressing customers removes their anonymity. Shoplifters are known to avoid stores with attentive salespeople.
  • Watch for customers who avoid eye contact, seem nervous, wander the store, linger, constantly look at store employees or exhibit other suspicious behaviour. Approach shoppers exhibiting suspicious behaviour and ask if they need help, instead of walking away from them – that’s often enough to deter potential shoplifters.
  • Encourage employees to walk around the store, down various aisles, particularly along the walls.
  • Maintain a clean and organised store, including racks, shelves and dressing rooms. A disorganised store tells a shoplifter the employees are not paying attention. Keep shelves and displays low, and install adequate lighting to maintain visibility throughout the store.
  • Keep commonly stolen items in plain view to discourage shoplifters. Place items that are often targeted in an area in the front of the store, near the cash register or another highly visible areas.
  • Compare notes with your neighbours. Talk with other shop owners about any suspicious behaviours they might have witnessed. Ask employees to keep logs of suspicious behaviour to share with each other as well as with other shop owners.
  • Hire an adequate number of employees, enough to give customers personal attention. Stagger lunch and break times among employees.
  • Draft a shoplifting policy and enforce it. Post the policy so employees and customers are aware of it. Offer ongoing training for employees so they understand how to prevent shoplifting or how to handle a situation if it does occur.
  • Install anti-theft devices including security towers at entrances, security cameras throughout the store, convex mirrors in corners and anti-theft tags on merchandise.
  • Restrict the use of fitting rooms. Lock dressing rooms and require customers to see a salesperson before using the room. Post signs in fitting rooms warning against shoplifting.
  • Be careful of large groups of people as shoplifters can easily distract staff.

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