
Nizamiye School’s excellent streak in sports and academics

MIDRAND - Nizamiye Primary and High School pupils continue to make their school proud by receiving accolades nationally as well as abroad.


According to deputy principal of the Midrand school, Huseyin Kublay, fitness and participation in sport are encouraged, and it is for this reason, the teaching staff is immensely proud to send off one of their former pupils, Mohammed Ali Sayed, to England where he will play for Leeds United. Kublay described the soccer young player as a diligent pupil and a dedicated athlete.

This is not the first time pupils of the school have brought glory. In 2014, the school received 13 medals at the annual Eskom Expo for Young Scientists. At the Expo, they received four gold, five silver and four bronze medals. In the same year, Ebrahim Ahmed won a bronze medal in the International Young Inventors Project Olympiad for his eco-bricks invention. Ahmed produced bricks by using recycled plastic bags.

Last year, the school received international recognition in the Golden Climate Project Olympiad which was held in Kenya. Pupil, Muaz Mia walked away with a gold medal in the competition for Mia’s design of filters for exhaust gases using recycled tea bags.

Kublay said the school encouraged pupils’ participation in Olympiads in order to give them real-life experiences and to help find solutions to the world’s problems. “We place a high level of importance on academic participation, extramural activities and the development of social skills. Combined with the excellent staff, this contributed to the 100 percent pass rate and university entrance we received last year,” he said.


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