
Young man finds baby in dump

RABIE RIDGE - A young man, Geronomo Jones, was rummaging through bins for recycling material at a dump site when he opened a plastic bag and found the body of a baby inside.


Jones said he quickly called the security guard who was at the entrance of the site.

The baby was allegedly dumped by the mother on 18 February at around 10am at the Falcon Street dump site.

Jones stated, “I showed the guard the [baby] and he told me that he had seen the woman who had come in carrying that particular plastic bag, but they did not suspect she was dumping a human being.”

The security guard, Meshack Phakathi, revealed to Midrand Reporter that the woman he saw, who looked to be in her late 20s, was slim, wore tight blue jeans and a white vest and had looked uncertain about what she had come to the site to do.

Phakathi explained, “She seemed nervous but quickly threw her plastic bag and rushed off. We were saddened and shocked when a moment later we discovered the baby.”

Rabie Ridge Residents’ Association chairperson, Charles Jones said, “It is sad to find a baby in a bin, dead or alive, no one deserves that. We need to tighten security around dump sites in the area as other criminal activities also take place here.”

A group of residents watched as paramedics removed the baby from the rubbish heap.

Spokesperson for Rabie Ridge Police Station, Constable Jacob Nhlongo confirmed that a concealment of birth docket had been opened.

Also read:

Foetus found in drain

Pedestrians find a discarded foetus

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