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Youngsters’ film company debuts two movies in Ivory Park

IVORY PARK - Media Tour Class, a local film production company run by young people from Ivory Park, invites the community to take part in a launch and screening of two short films they have produced.


Executive producer, Reuben Mokolo said, “We will showcase We Friends to Die, which is about two friends who grew up together and went on to face certain challenges in their lives. The film, Cheaters, is about relationships. The screenings and entrance to the hall will not be free as we are using the launch to raise funds for our film projects.”

The films will be shown on 8 November at Ivory Park North Hall from 10am till late. Tickets are R60. VIP tickets cost R120.

Details: Reuben Mokolo on 073 957 3179.

Will you be attending the launch to support an initiative by young people from Ivory Park? Tell us on @MidrandReporter

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