
Pupils’ safety a priority

MIDRAND - Although the children may be keen to return to see their friends it can be a time of anxiety for parents, especially those whose children have to travel to and from school unaccompanied.

Clive Humphrey, Managing Director of ADT Central Region, offered advice that could help put parents’ minds at ease:

  •  Always walk to or from school with a friend or friends. Stick to streets you know and never take short cuts through quiet areas or empty parking lots.
  •  If you get picked up at school, always wait inside the school-grounds for your lift to arrive; do not leave the premises.
  •  Never get into a stranger’s car even if they claim that someone you love is hurt and that they are supposed to pick you up.
  •  Remember, your parents would never send someone you don’t know to fetch you.
  •  If a stranger approaches you, do not talk to them no matter how friendly they may seem. If someone tries to grab you, fight, kick and scream.

Humphrey said for some families, a tight budget may mean that a domestic helper or au pair is not an option and in some cases children have to see themselves to and from school and keep occupied until mom and dad return home in the evening.

“It is very important that children know how the alarm system and panic buttons work and when and how to use them,’ says Humphrey. “Also make a list of important telephone numbers such as the emergency services and mom and dad’s work and cell phone numbers. Stick it on or near the telephone and explain when these should be used,” said Humphrey.

“Emphasise how important it is not to let anyone into the house without your permission. If you are going to be late let your children know as soon as possible and give them an idea of when they can expect you home.”

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