
Burglars steal R250 000 worth of items

NOORDWYK - A house on Liebenberg Street in Noordwyk was robbed of property worth R250 000.

The incident occurred on 3 January at about 9.40am.

Midrand police communications officer Constable Matome Tlamela said the complainant was in the house and was surprised by two armed men who ordered him to lie down.

“The complainant together with his family members were tied up,” said Tlamela. “The suspect took a flat screen television set, hard drive and five cellphones, all to the estimated value of R25 000. During the robbery, one of the suspects was monitoring the house standing at the gate. No one was injured during the house robbery.”

No one has been arrested and police are continuing investigations.

Midrand police issued tips on how to prevent a house robbery and theft:

  • Know all emergency numbers.
  • A watchdog is a good early warning system. Keep it visible as a deterrent but beyond the reach of strangers. The unexplainable death of a watchdog is a warning sign of a possible burglary.
  • If your house alarm goes off or you hear strange noises or your dogs bark, switch on the outside lights.
  • Always check the identity of strangers who visit for business purposes to carry out deliveries or repairs. Ensure that you stay out of their reach to prevent being grabbed through a closed gate.
  • Report suspicious characters.
  • Install the best security you can afford, for example security gates. Keep these gates locked. If possible fix a door viewer and latch chain.
  • When approaching your house entrance by foot or by car ensure that it is safe to enter and that you have not been followed. Be aware of persons loitering at the entrance.
  • Know your neighbours and build a relationship of mutual trust and support. When going away inform them.
  • It is always best to arrange with persons living in the same street as you to be ready at all times to come to the rescue of one another in a dangerous situation.
  • Keep cash and valuables in banks or safes.
  • Store your firearms in a safe.

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