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The Midrand SPCA condems the exploitation of wildlife for profit

“This poor owl was probably suffering from being poisoned which made it an easy target to pick up and then try and sell,” explained the SPCA.

The Midrand SPCA team recently received a call from a community member with regards to an owl that was being sold on the streets in Mayibuye.

The SPCA Inspectors Jerry Seemise and general manager, Inspector Pam Pretorius headed out to the area. “We are truly shocked at the extent of what people would do to earn some money,” stated the SPCA in a statement.

The SPCA explained how these kinds of situations need to be treated with the greatest care and cannot be done by one person only as they always try and avoid a situation where the person decides to make a run for it with the animal or in some cases they become violent.

“In areas such as Mayibuye, you are not likely to catch a person given the volume of people so you need to react fast,” said the SPCA

Fortunately, in this case, the swift and unexpected action from the SPCA paid off and the owl was safely in their care. The team proceeded to Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital for the owl to be cared for by their vets.

Later that afternoon, the SPCA was informed by the team at Wildlife Hospital that the owl, unfortunately, did not make it. The hospital suspected that this was due to rodenticide poisoning. “This poor owl was probably suffering from being poisoned which made it an easy target to pick up and then try and sell,” explained the SPCA.

The SPCA thanked its team for rushing out to try and save the owl and also the team at the Wildlife Veterinary Hospital for always being open and ready to receive in-danger animals. “We receive comfort in knowing that our efforts are never for nothing and at least this poor little guy[ the owl] was in the best, caring hands possible.”


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