
Officers receive medals

RABIE RIDGE – Rabie Ridge Police Station spokesperson said that he would love to see more policemen and women added to SAPS.


The Rabie Ridge Police Station recently handed over medals of honour to police officers.

In 2013, the South African Police Service celebrated 100 years, but due to unfortunate supply delays, the medals for the Rabie Ridge Police Station were only handed over at the Rabie Ridge Community Hall on 18 September this year. Some of the police officers with different rankings as well as Public Act members were each awarded a medal of honour.

Rabie Ridge Police Station spokesperson, Constable Jacob Nhlongo, who has been serving the South African Police Service for 10 years, to share his experience.

Nhlongo expressed his love for the police service which was the reason he decided to join the police service. “I have learned so far that police alone cannot win when it comes to crime. They need everybody (the community) to be their eyes and ears as criminals are within their places of residence.

Rabie Ridge Police Station’s Public Act members receive medals to comemorate100 years of the South African Police Service in service. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

With regard to the South African Police Service’s centenary celebration, Nhlongo said he believes they have done much but not enough.

“Until the day women and children or, in fact, everyone is free and able to walk anytime anywhere alone in South Africa, without fear of being robbed or harmed, then I will say we have done enough as police.”

Rabie Ridge Police Station officers at the Rabie Ridge Community Hall to receive their medals for SAPS 100 years in service. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

Nhlongo said the change he would love to see would be that more policemen and women are added to the South-African Police Service.

He concluded, “I guess maybe it will increase visibility and decrease crime. It cannot be right that an area that was policed by two cars in the year 2001 is still being policed by two cars in 2019.”

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