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IN PICTURES: Rabie Ridge Police Station goes on a joint operation

ALLANDALE – Rabie Ridge police with help from other stations and units conducted a roadblock as part of their operation Okae Molao and recovered a stolen vehicle.


Rabie Ridge Police Station with the help of other police stations and units conducted a raid operation called Okae Molao to fight crime in the area.

On 29 August, police stations such as Olifantsfontein, Ivory Park, Tembisa, Edenvale, Vehicle Investigating Unit, Public Order Police and other stations and units based in the surrounding areas of the Ekhuruleni District, which the Rabie Ridge Police Station falls under, came to assist with the operation.

Constable Jacob Nhlongo of the Rabie Ridge Police Station added, “Today we are conducting operation Okae Molao, which was initiated by the National Commissioner General Khehla Sithole. Since then it has been something we do almost every week, especially, at police stations that have high numbers of crimes reported.

“For the past four weeks, we have had more than 11 car hijackings, murders, rape and so forth. We are red within our cluster and that is why this operation has been brought to us so that they can assist us in fighting crime.”

Nhlongo explained that what they do is divide the group of officers into four groups. “One will be focusing on the roadblock, the second one will be focusing on drugs, the third will be liquor and the last will be second-hand goods where we will be raiding scrapyards.”

The raid took place from 8am until 4pm. “Other groups will be within Rabie Ridge and the roadblock is being implemented at Allandale Road,” said Nhlongo.

“We are targeting Klipfontein, Mayibuye, Phomolong and Rabie Ridge as we have a lot of illegal taverns and scrapyards, where people steal things and sell them for money.”

The Midrand Reporter visited the roadblock at Allandale Road.

At the end of the day results and successes of the operation were as follows:

• Two arrests were made for dealing in drugs

• A stolen Toyota Venture was recovered

• Four illegal liquor outlets were closed.

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