
Councillor previews Ward 112 public meeting

MIDRAND – Midrand Reporter had a chat with Ward 112 councillor Madeleine Hicklin ahead of the public meeting.


Midrand‘s Ward 112 councillor Madeleine Hicklin will hold a public meeting on 12 May at Noordwyk Secondary School from 10am to 12pm.

The agenda of the meeting is to introduce the councillor and ward committee to the community and discuss community-related issues.

Since the City of Johannesburg’s Integrated Development Plan meeting in April last year which ended in mayhem and violence, some members of the community said they had not attended nor been informed of a public meeting, therefore, did not know where to raise their grievances.

Hicklin said there had been 30 public meetings held with various groups of residents in and around Noordwyk and Country View since she was elected in 2016.

“Public interactions by a ward councillor happen at the behest of the residents as well as at the behest of the councillor,” she said.

“This may involve addressing homeowners association/residents association meetings and annual general meetings and may be particular to a street or suburb. These interactions may not apply to the entire resident base of a ward, and as such, are open to members of the area in which the concern arises.

“The upcoming public meeting will accomplish a number of things, the most important of which is for me to meet those residents who I have not met yet, and who wish to engage with me.”

She added that the meeting would enable her to inform residents exactly what the role of a ward councillor and ward committee was. “It will also enable me to inform residents what their role and responsibility is in terms of active citizenry and co-operative participation.”

Hicklin said the greatest issues she had seen in Ward 112 were those seen across the city of Joburg. She cited the following issues:

• More than 27 per cent of bulk electricity transformers were now operating beyond their useful lifespan, which ranges between 48 and 91 years old. This is largely to blame for the number of power outages frequently experienced in Noordwyk in particular

• Water infrastructure upgrades, sewer upgrades and the provision of a stable electricity and water network is of paramount importance.

“I have had some feedback on what is in store for the residents of this ward, and hope to make some of those plans known to residents at the public meeting.”

All residents of Ward 112 are encouraged by the councillor to attend the public meeting.


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