
Gang robberies on the rise Rabie Ridge

MIDRAND – Residents are urged to be alert as a gang of criminals allegedly robbed homes and places of business recently.


House and business robberies are on the rise in Phomolong, Kanana and Mayibuye. Rabie Ridge police spokesperson, Captain Mofama Masela said criminals are using the same trends when committing crimes in all three areas and that robberies with a firearm are prevalent in Rabie Ridge policing areas, along with violent crimes.

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The suspects also reportedly always rob the place in twos, fives or groups of seven and speak Zulu and Tsonga during the robberies. Valuables stolen in all robberies range between R1 500 and R500 000.

He said, “According to reports, there is a gang of seven dangerous men who were on a house and business robbery rampage around the three areas mentioned, between 20 to 25 September. A black golf without a registration number was used in one of the robberies.

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“During the business robberies, the suspects allegedly first pretended to be potential customers, then confronted the shopkeeper violently and demanded valuables such as TVs, airtime and money,” he stated.

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During house robberies, the suspects allegedly forced open doors of the victim’s home, pointed a firearm at the victim and demanded valuables from the homeowner or searched for valuables in the house.

“In Mayibuye, 10 armed men recently approached security guards at a construction site, pointed a firearm at the guards before stealing valuables from an office.”

Masela said police are appealing to the community of Rabie Ridge and surrounding areas to be alert.

Details: Rabie Ridge Police Station, 011 310 0400.

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