
Midrand Police seize dagga and fake gold

MIDRAND - Midrand Police seized marijuana and fake gold in two separate incidents.


On 12 January at around 10.30am, officers were on a regular patrol at a shopping centre in Carlswald when they came across a suspicious looking vehicle. “The three policemen approached the vehicle in the parking lot and introduced themselves to the driver,” said Constable Matome Tlamela, head of communications at the station. “They asked to search the driver and the vehicle. He obliged.”

Upon searching him, the police found nothing, however, they found two plastic containers that had gold inside. The man was arrested and upon further testing on what was thought to be gold, he was charged with the possession of fake gold.

Also read 22 people arrested in Midrand

In a separate case, a man was arrested for possession of dagga in Halfway House on Church Street at 5pm on the same day. “In this case, [a lone policeman] who had been patrolling the suburb came across a man on foot who was acting suspiciously,” said Tlamela. The man seemed hesitant when the police officer approached him, she said. “However, he did allow the policeman to search him and four bags of dagga were found on him.” The man has been arrested and is being detained at the station on charges of possessing an illegal substance.

Also read ‘Drugs ain’t so cool’

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