
New Road smash-and-grab incidents a cause for concern

MIDRAND - Following a smash-and-grab incident on New Road on 5 January, Thabiso Modiga, the victim of the crime and a Midrand resident, saw it fit to warn other road users.


“While I was busy at the [Midrand] police station [opening a case] another lady came to report a similar case,” wrote Modiga on Facebook. He said the two incidents occurred within nine minutes of each other.

“My case happened at 8.19pm and the lady’s occurred at 8.10pm, the same evening,” he said.

Constable Matome Tlamela confirmed Modiga’s claim. “The complainant [Modiga] said he was waiting for the robot to turn green at the New Road intersection when he was approached by a male who then smashed his side window without saying a word.”

Modiga said the man was wearing a black jacket with white pants and pretended to be a beggar.

Tlamela said no one had been arrested. “The police are still busy investigating the case,” she said. When questioned about the police’s action in such incidences, Tlamela said they have increased police visibility on the road. “The police will also embark on a safety campaign on New Road between 6.30pm and 8pm on 12 January.”

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