16-year-old boy found in dustbin

Mhluzi’s Extension 8 suffered a tragedy this morning, as 16-year-old Lunga Zwelo Nkabinde was discovered dead inside a dustbin.

In the early hours of this morning, 16-year-old Lunga Zwelo Nkabinde was found dead in a dustbin at his home in Extension 8.

Lunga was a Sofunda Secondary School student who lived with his father, Johannes Nkabinde, and their tenant, Fhadrack Mbatha.

Mr Mbatha told the Middelburg Observer that at 06:30 this morning, he made his way to the home’s outdoor bathroom. After urinating, Mr Mbatha turned around and was shocked to discover the boy inside the open green wheelie bin.

Mr Mbatha said that Lunga’s body was in a sort of upward foetal position.

The dustbin in which Lunga Zwelo’s body was found. PHOTO: Matthew Handley.

Lunga’s father was at work when his child’s body was found. He told the Observer that a neighbour called to tell him the news, “Your son is gone.”

Mr Nkabinde rushed home, with the SAPS and forensic unit at the scene. The divorced Mr Nkabinde said that Lunga’s mother was made aware of her son’s passing.

Emergency services at the scene. PHOTO: Matthew Handley.

Lunga, who was set to turn 17 this September, was an avid karate fan and took weekly lessons.

At this stage, the cause of death is unclear.

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