
Victim bites robber’s hand during altercation

A victim bit his attacker’s hand and then a blue light robber bit his victim’s ear to flee from the scene.

The Belfast Police are investigating a robbery following an incident on the N4 in Dalmanutha, near Belfast, on September 21 at about 04:45.

The Mpumalanga Police reported that two armed suspects, driving a vehicle with blue lights, stopped two victims travelling along the N4.

The two suspects are believed to have illegally used blue lights to impersonate law enforcement officers and stop the vehicle driven by the complainants. Subsequently, one of the suspects instructed the victims to drive to the weighbridge, while the other suspect approached the passenger’s window where the driver’s son was sitting, brandishing a firearm and taking his passport.

An altercation between the son and the armed suspect occurred, leading to the suspect being disarmed by the son, who managed to seize the pistol and bite the suspect’s hand. However, in retaliation, the suspect bit the son’s ear and both suspects fled the scene, leaving the firearm behind. Both victims are Mozambican nationals.

The incident was reported to the Belfast Police, and the firearm was handed over.
No arrests have been made yet.

Members of the public with information about the suspects’ whereabouts, including the one whose hand was bitten, are urged to contact the authorities by calling Crime Stop on 08600 10111 or by providing information via the MYSAPS APP. All information will be treated confidentially, and callers may choose to remain anonymous.

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