
Kranspoort Pass turns into death trap

The new elevated rumble strips that were implemented at the top of the Kranspoort Pass have proven to be counter-productive in minimising accidents and turned the already notorious pass into a death trap over the weekend.

Photos presented by community members in the Loskop Valley showed how traffic turned into pure chaos over the weekend due to vehicles swerving into oncoming traffic to avoid driving over the elevated rumble strips, which are only covering two lanes.

Mr Johan Hamman, a community member involved in the frequent stakeholder meetings with SANRAL, escalated the hazardous situation to SANRAL for a second time.

His bid to have traffic officials stationed in the pass over the weekend was also unsuccessful.

In a message circulating on social media, Mr Hamman explained that his requests have thus far remained largely ignored by both parties.

The Loskop community has been engaging with SANRAL and other key role players for over three years, with frequent meetings held to address the high volume of accidents and chemical spills in the pass.

Mr Hamman will also be addressing the possibility of redirecting trucks carrying hazardous chemicals to national toll routes.

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