Attorney accused of theft and fraud granted bail

Attorney, Mantladi Jo-Anne Mmela (41) appeared before the Middelburg Magistrates Court today (Wednesday) on charges of theft and fraud.

Mmela was arrested in Pretoria on Tuesday by the Middelburg Hawks.

She was appointed by the mother of a child who was seriously injured during an accident, to claim for the Road Accident Fund (RAF).

Mmela Associates Inc which is based in Middelburg submitted a claim with RAF which was successful.

On 18 May 2021,1.8 million was paid into a trust account belonging to the accused.

The Hawks spokesperson, Captain Dineo Sekgotodi said “The attorney allegedly created a false reference as if the money was paid over to the complainant”.

The victim’s mother was informed that the RAF money was paid out.

She went to inquiry with the accused, who promised to ” look out for the money”.

A complaint was later submitted and it was revealed that the money was indeed paid into the trust and that the money was transferred to another account.

In an affidavit to the court, the accused said has been practicing law in Middelburg for 15 years.

The suspect was arrested and charged accordingly.

Bail of R25 000 was granted.

The matter was postponed to the Commercial Court for pretrial and disclosure.

Mmela will appear on December 5

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