
VIDEO: Landfill contractors clash with fed-up refuse removal business owners

Drama unfolded at the Middelburg landfill site this morning where small business owners concerned with refuse removal, regularly clash with contractors of the site due to the state the site is in, especially after heavy rains.

Bakkies and small trucks used by the businesses cannot enter the grounds where thick mud often stops them dead in their tracks. Vehicles slip on the road and often have to be towed out.

The situation resulted in a heated confrontation between contractors employed by the municipality to manage the landfill site, and a Tuindrom service provider earlier today. Landfill personnel threatened the business owner with violence. The matter has been reported to the municipality who is yet to comment on what is being done to assist small refuse removers to gain better, and cheaper, access to the landfill.

Business owners are also regularly accosted by scavengers of the landfill, looking for valuables despite it being illegal.

Former Municipal Manager, Mr Bheki Khenisa, agreed to meet with the complainants before he was ousted by the workforce of the municipality.

Business owners say their complaints are being ignored.

“We demand protection of not only our persons, but our businesses, we are struggling to stay alive,” one of them told

Other complaints include shoddy maintenance of the landfill by the new contractor, intimidation by employees of the landfill contractor and bribery and general corruption by site management.

Business owners, visiting the site up to five times a day, and pay per ton by coupon system, also complain that they are pointed to the most difficult to reach outskirts of the landfill, while bigger trucks are allowed to dump their loads wherever they please.

Municipal spokeswoman Ms Prudence Magutle said the confrontation would be investigated. She said the municipality would comment upon finalisation of the investigation.

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