Mozambican nationals involved in rhino poaching

The two poachers that were shot and killed in the Loskop Nature Reserve in July have been identified as Mozambican nationals.

Although their names have not been made public, it could be confirmed from a source that their families have since claimed their bodies.

The men were shot and killed during a shootout with the police’s Task Team after information was received of a planned poaching in the reserve. They had expensive equipment with them including silencers and night vision goggles.

Also read: Poachers killed in shootout wiht police

A Task Team member was also injured during the shootout. Due to the nature of his work, he cannot be identified. The man was hailed a hero by readers for putting his life on the line to protect those of rhinos.

Also read: UPDATE: Two killed, task team member injured

He is said to be recuperating at home and doctors expect a full recovery. He has been booked off work for at least six months. According to a source, this is not the first brush with death that the man has encountered.

He previously survived a parachute accident.


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