Mhluzi headmaster allegedly paralyses 14 year old

A 14-year-old boy from a primary school in Mhluzi has been paralyzed after allegedly being assaulted by his school principal.

According to reports, the boy cannot walk or do anything for himself.

He has been identified as Siphamandla Choma and has not been to school so far this year. He was allegedly assaulted at school by the principal accusing him and another boy of stealing R150.

Siphamandla twisted his spinal cord and lost the feeling to his legs. He is now wheelchair-bound. Christine Choma, the child’s mother, was quoted saying that it was very painful for her to see and that she was not coping.

A case has been opened and the Education Department has been served with papers.

“The claim is based on a delictual claim – meaning the child were to be protected while at school, and the conduct of the principal we believe, is not in line with the policy of the government… more especially of the fact that there is no corporal punishment,” Lawyer Eddie Mabaso told SABC news.

The Mpumalanga Education Department says it conducted its own investigation and awaits the outcome of that probe.

The school principal cannot be named as he is yet to appear in court.

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